Can I Complain About a Rooster? (And Other Solutions)
Roosters are known to be talkative. They like to make noise at all times of the day, not just early in the morning, like cartoons would have you think. This can make a rooster that is your neighbor a very annoying part of your daily routine.
Complaining about a rooster is only possible if you live in a city where there are laws governing the presence of chickens. In the country, livestock are generally allowed to be kept, and it is not possible to lodge a complaint.
If you want to learn more about the process to complain about a rooster, read on!
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Is it Possible to Complain about a Rooster?
If you feel that you need to complain about a rooster, each state and each county will have rules that govern livestock and the complaints that you can file about the behavior or keeping of these animals.
Urban settings often forbid the keeping of these animals, so you may be able to contact the local authorities or a local agricultural department to request that a rooster be removed from your neighborhood.
If you live in the country, you may have to get used to the sound of your neighbor’s rooster and make the best of living near him.
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What does a Rooster Crowing Mean?
A rooster crow is a form of birdsong, like the other birds that become more active and noisier as daylight approaches. Technically, roosters crow as a response to their internal clock. They should be crowing at the sunrise, or close to it.
The problem with roosters is that if there is more than one rooster at the location, or there are other roosters within proximity that are crowing on a different schedule, rooster crowing can become an all-day event. Roosters can also crow as a warning to other birds to stay away from their territory.
Many roosters like to climb up high and crow from a spot where they will be heard clearly by all other birds who might need a warning about entering their territory. In busy farm areas, this can be a behavior that a rooster will repeat all day long and sometimes perform in the middle of the night.
What Time do Roosters Crow?
As a general rule, roosters should only be crowing at the sunrise and possibly if they feel that they need to defend their territory. In farm settings, however, where activity on the farm or where there are other birds in proximity, a rooster might crow at all hours of the day.
Territorial crowing is often the crowing that people feel most annoyed by, and territorial crowing is harder to control than crowing at set times of the day. If the rooster lives with chatty hens, the crowing might also be more consistent as he herds them around and tells them what to do.
How do you Get a Rooster to Shut Up?
Halting crowing behavior can be tough. These are behaviors that are part of the instincts of the rooster, and they do not know that they are annoying the people around them by doing so. Birds are also much harder to train than dogs or other animals that are companion animals.
Thankfully, there are some ways that you can make a rooster be quiet if you take the time to be consistent with the use of these methods. This can be a great set of tools to use if you own a rooster that has generated complaints from neighbors.
Bring in More Hens
Some roosters will be much less fussy if they have more hens. Crowing can be a way to attract more mates, so providing additional hens for your rooster can make a big difference.
You will want to let your rooster roam around with the hens as well so that he will be happy doing his job. Many noisy roosters are being kept away from their hens, which leads to frustration and noise.
Have Only One Rooster
Competitive crowing is a common rooster behavior, and having more than one rooster can lead to a lot of crowing. All of your roosters might make noise all day if you have too many on the farm. This can also be tough on your hens as they will be upset by the constant struggle over supremacy that is going on around them. Roosters often fight as well, so having a single rooster is typically easier for everyone as a whole.
Change The Rooster Schedule
Roosters that are good about crowing in the morning will not need this training, but roosters that crow in the middle of the night might be crowing at artificial lights or due to activity that is happening on the farm in the early hours before it is light out.
You can change your rooster’s internal clock by making sure that there is no light for him to see at hours that you want him to be quiet and that you do not make noise and commotion before you want him to wake up and make noise.
Adjust the Feeding Schedule
Your feeding schedule can also affect rooster crowing behaviors, so you will want to be sure that you are feeding at times that you are fine with your rooster making noise.
Feeding at odd hours of the day or not feeding on a schedule can lead to noisy and expectant hens and roosters throughout the day. As with any animal, feeding on a schedule is always more productive for roosters.
Try Rooster Collars
This is a last-ditch tip, but it can work for roosters that are making too much noise within city limits. You can buy a rooster collar and attach it to your rooster’s neck (it looks like this). It will reduce the airflow to their voice box and make them quieter. This might be required if your rooster has caused many complaints.
Many rooster owners want to avoid this treatment of the problem, but if your rooster is causing complaints, it can be a way to make it possible to keep him and to make your neighbors happier about his presence in their space.
Warning: this treatment may be illegal in some states, be sure to consult your local jurisdiction before making any decisions.
Fix Reasons for Frustration
Roosters can become noisy because they are not happy with their environment. Being able to see commotion that is going on around them or feeling like they can’t roost can make them noisy. You can also offer toys or better nesting locations for your rooster if he seems unhappy with his living arrangements. Being able to allow your rooster some fun things to do while he is keeping track of his hens will make him less likely to be bored and noisy as a result.
At the end of the day, you do not have to have a rooster to have eggs. If you are tired of dealing with your rooster making noise, you can find a good home for him where he will be allowed to be noisy and happy all day long. Urban locations are rarely the right place for a rooster and you will find that many people do not want to listen to your rooster all day long.